
Business PowerPoint Presentation Tips

As a part of the Microsoft Office suite, PowerPoint has become the world's most widely used presentation program. It is widely used by business people, educators, students, trainers to make presentations. With this tool, one can easily and clearly display text, graphics, movies, and other objects in the form of a slide show. Whether it is used to prepare for a meeting, an exhibition or a course, PowerPoint helps us a lot.

In business areas, Microsoft PowerPoint especially makes us convenient in organizing all kinds of activities. Here I would list some top tips for creating successful business presentations.

Tip1. Present Your Topic by Using Key Phrases: Use key phrases that include only essential information. Choose only the top points about your topic and make them consistently throughout the delivery. Simplify and limit the number of words on each slide.

Tip2. Avoid Using Fancy Fonts
: Choose a font that is simple and comfortable for audience to read such as Times New Roman and Arial. Use, at most, two different fonts. Keep all fonts large enough (at least 24 pt and preferably 30 pt) so that people at the back of the conference room will be able to see clearly what is on the screen.

Tip3. Make the Text's Color and Background's Color Contrastive: Dark text on a light background is best. Patterned or textured backgrounds would reduce the readability of text. Keep the color scheme consistent throughout your business presentation.

Tip4. Use Templates Effectively: When using a template, choose one that is appropriate for the content. A simple, straightforward layout is best if you are presenting to business clientele. The following maybe a choice

For more free business PowerPoint templates:

Tip5. Limit the Number of Slides
: Do not try to insert too many slides, make sure that the presentation will not become too long. It also avoids the problem of continually changing slides during the business presentation. On average, one slide per minute is right.

Tip6. Try to Use Photos, Charts and Graphs
: Embedding photos, charts, graphs and even digitized videos will add variety and keep your audience interested in the presentation. Avoid using only text in your slide.

Tip7. Avoid Cluttering Up with Too Many Transitions and Animations
: While transitions and animations can attract your audience's interest in the business presentation, too many of them would distract your audience from what you are saying.

Tip8. Make Sure Your Business Presentation Can Run On Any Other Computers
: Try to use PowerPoint's Package for CD (PowerPoint 2003) or Pack and Go (PowerPoint 2000 and before) feature when trying to burn your presentation onto a CD. Besides your presentation, a copy of Microsoft's PowerPoint Viewer is added to the CD to run PowerPoint presentations on computers that haven't installed PowerPoint. But for presentations containing sounds and video clips, this is not a good idea, because all of them will be lost after packing to CD.

You can also burn your PowerPoint to DVD with a professional conversion tool. Acoolsoft PPT2DVD would be a good choice. Compare with the CD packing feature of PowerPoint, burn presentations to DVD with this tool can retain all sounds and videos and even internal links (links between slides)!

Detailed information of this tool, please click:
